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Covid Lombardia, il bollettino: 2.143 casi su 17.579 tamponi


Sono 32 le persone ricoverate in terapia intensiva (+1) mentre sono 914 quelle in cura negli altri reparti (-65)

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Sono 2.143 i nuovi casi di Covid in Lombardia rilevati a fronte di 17.579 tamponi processati, con un tasso di positività del 12,2%. Sono 32 le persone ricoverate in terapia intensiva (+1) mentre sono 914 quelle in cura negli altri reparti (-65). (TUTTI GLI AGGIORNAMENTI - MAPPE E GRAFICHE DEI CONTAGI)

I contagi per provincia

Sono 20 i decessi, per un totale di 41.964 da inizio pandemia. A Milano i nuovi casi sono 538, a Brescia 358, a Monza 159, a Varese 144, a Bergamo 202, a Como 131, a Pavia 151, a Mantova 125, a Cremona 124, a Lecco 71, a Lodi 60 e a Sondrio 32.

Health workers wearing overalls and protective masks at work in the intensive care unit of the hospital of Cremona amid the Covid-?19 coronavirus pandemic, in Cremona, northern Italy, 26 December 2021. Italian Premier Mario Draghi's government has brought in a series of new COVID-19 prevention measures, including the obligation to wear facemasks outdoors, due to the sharp upswing in contagion and the arrival of the Omicron variant. It was already mandatory for people to wear facemasks in enclosed public spaces. The government has also decide to close Italy's night clubs and dance halls and ban open-air parties that attract crowds of people until January 31. It has also reduced the duration of the 'Super Green Pass' health certificate for people who are vaccinated for the coronavirus from nine to six months. 


Coronavirus in Italia, il bollettino con i dati di oggi 14 agosto