"Pasticceria estrema", se il talento non ha limiti

TV Show

© tortikannuchka 


Tutti i giorni dal lunedi al giovedi alle 19.15 va in onda la seconda stagione di Pasticceria Estrema, in prima tv su Sky Uno canale 108 e su digitale terrestre al canale 311 o 11. Nell'attesa, sfoglia la gallery e ammira una serie di vere e proprie opere d'arte dolciarie 

La tanto attesa seconda stagione di "Pasticceria Estrema" è finalmente approdata su Sky Uno (canale 108) e sul digitale terrestre al canale 311 0 11. Seguiremo i successi e i fallimenti di un gruppo di brillanti cake artists. Tenteranno di tutto per realizzare le creazioni più deliziose e mozzafiato del mondo, vere e proprie opere d'arte. Nell'attesa scopri di seguito una selezione di alcuni capolavori di cake design catturati in rete. Dalle creazioni floreali, dal sapore vintage, passando per torte tridimensionali, a dolci fantasmagorici che sembrano sbarcati direttamente dallo spazio.

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All I see are 🍳🍳🍳

Un post condiviso da alana jones-mann (@alanajonesmann) in data:

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This project was made for the presentation of new chocolate Ruby. The idea was to create a set of elements (cakes) that together would form a single composition. As a result, we got algorithmically modeled cake that consisted of 81 individual cakes, every single was unique in shape. This composition was made using a graphical algorithm editor Grasshopper that can build forms from the simple to the awe-inspiring. Inspyred by Matthew Shlian we took a pyramid and changed the tilt of each object and the area of each top plane, programming and scripting the set of cakes. All of the cakes are different. . Этот проект был сделан специально для презентации нового шоколада Ruby от Cacao Barry в Шанхае. Идея заключалась в том, чтобы создать множество элементов (пирожных), которые вместе будут формировать единую композицию. В итоге мы получили динамический рисунок который состоит из 81 пирожного, каждое из которых уникально по форме. Эта композиция была сделана с использованием специального графического редактора алгоритмов Grasshopper, который может генерировать формы от простых до совершенно впечатляющих. Вдохновляясь работами Matthew Shlian мы взяли пирамиду и изменили наклон каждого объекта и площадь каждой верхней плоскости, программируя набор пирожных. Все они разные по форме. . I don't know why Matthew Shlian decided to make a scandal out of this work. His works were inspiration for me and I honestly wrote about it and added his credits. It's an artistic influence which I gladly admit. I thought he would have been proud to be inspiration to another artist, like any accomplished artist. I saw his works before but I didn't see all his works and it is impossible to see all works all artists all over the world. The pyramids and attractor is nothing new. If you try to study Rhino3D you will find a lot of the same samples there. Also this mould was never made for selling it was just a concept project.

Un post condiviso da Dinara Kasko (@dinarakasko) in data:

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